Ceturtdien, 17. februārī, plkst. 17.00 Accenture aicina interesnetus piedalīties seminārā par Cloud Integration (Salesforce, Mulesoft).

Big and modern Cloud Apps such as banks, retail stores, industrial enterprises, media companies, social networks and instant messengers all have APIs that allow them to exchange data with other systems. But they all “speak different languages”. Cloud integrators help these systems to understand each other. They create APIs that securely receive data from one system, process it, and send it to another system. 

We would like to invite you to our practical workshop about Cloud integrations with Salesforce and Mulesoft. MuleSoft as a part of Salesforce is one of the world’s leading platforms for building integration solutions.

Agenda of the event :
What is Cloud
The future of Cloud Integrations
Accenture experience with the Cloud
Cloud Integrations example with Salesforce and Mulesoft product portfolio
What is Salesforce
What is Mulesoft
How to learn to become Salesfoce and Mulesoft an expert
Questions and Answers

Application is open until 16.02. 17:00.: https://forms.office.com/r/33pXt1Lrey
