Uzņēmums "Magebit" aicina studentus piedalīties 4 nedēļu ilgā vasaras skolā no 1. līdz 26. augustam.

Summer Coding Bootcamp at Magebit — Riga 2022

Become a web developer in 4 weeks and gain in-demand skills for your IT career. Join an intensive on-site tech training by one of leading eCommerce solution providers — Magebit.

The training is designed to give competitive web development knowledge, needed to successfully step into today’s digital market. Magebit provides all the necessary equipment and tools for comfortable and effective training, including laptops.

You’ll get four weeks of hands-on practice in HTML, CSS, PHP, Git, JavaScript, and more.Bootcamp dates: August 1 — August 26, 2022
Location: Riga, Magebit headquarters (Riga, Uriekstes iela 2a)
Working language: English

To apply for the bootcamp, you need to submit a quick test. Best applicants will qualify. The participation in the bootcamp is 100% FREE . Only 25 spots are available.

At the end of the training, best students may be offered a job at Magebit.
For more information about the bootcamp, frequently asked questions, and the application form, visit
